The MVPHS, Chatham High School, Taree High School and Wingham High School, have developed a partnership to enhance the learning opportunities for senior students.
"Working Together for Success" is an initiative, that aims to maintain and extend the range of subjects students can study across the three high schools and at TAFE. In the past, a class may not have been formed in a subject at a particular school because insufficient numbers of students chose that subject. Under this initiative, students from all three schools can combine to form a viable class.
Senior students may choose to remain at one school or to access courses at other "host" schools. To accommodate this initiative some classes may commence before the normal start of the school day and some may continue beyond the normal finishing time. Students involved in such classes will be provided with time off in lieu during their normal school day.
"Working Together for Success" provides many advantages for students without them having to change their home school. It retains the essential fabric and uniqueness of the three Manning Valley High Schools and acknowledges the cultural, social and historical significance of each school to its community.